Call me, maybe?

Hey Fellow Mom of Teen,

Can we work together, next time?

My daughter had a memory pop up on social media this week from a year ago.

It’s so cringy. Is that a word? Our kids will forever have cameras in their faces and around them for every event, good and bad.

My kiddo was puking at your house from drinking a drink I’ve never heard of that she’s not old enough to buy.

Your policy is you would rather know where they are so they aren’t drinking and driving.

Maybe you could find out why I don’t let my kid drink before you inflict your policy on mine?

Her “best” friends didn’t call me. She missed two days of school after that. She is embarrassed and the pictures are on Instagram until someone decides to remove them.

I want to blame someone else, but I have to own that I let her come to you and with them. I didn’t ask if you were going to let them get drunk.

She takes a couple of prescription meds. It didn’t mix well. I’m sure she didn’t tell you. She was so young. She still is. She was so very sick. Instead of help, she got teased and photographed.

We try to protect them, but they venture out and assure us they are ready for whatever they face.

I am so sad I let this happen to her. I slept through her being so sick. I trusted her. I trusted her friends. I have met them all; had them smile to my face and call me by name.

When my kids were little the days seemed so long.

Now it seems I can’t keep them around long enough to pound in education and wisdom into their developing brains.

I pray so hard.

I know you do, too, Mommas!

Just a phone call next time? A text? I won’t freak out. I’ll just come hydrate my kiddo, or yours if he/she ever needs it.


PS. These are difficult post. She wasn’t happy with it but I hope it helps some other parents.

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